Postal Code Targeting
- Delivered by Canada Post
- A More Personalized Marketing Experience - delivery to specific addresses
- Minimum of 500 items
- Cost - $$$

Measurements - Size and weight
Items within a given mailing must have the same sizes, weights and thicknesses. Each item within a mailing must originate from the same mail owner. Imperial equivalents are provided for convenience only.

What is acceptable as Postal Code Targeting?
Any Postal Code Targeting item is acceptable provided the item meets the Postal Code Targeting definition.
To qualify as Postal Code Targeting service, mailings must:
- be deposited and paid for in Canada for delivery in Canada
- consist of a minimum of 500 items for Standard Machineable mail
- have a unique 2D barcode on each item
- have three quiet zones (address, postage and on back of the item)
- be mailed through your mail service provider
- be mailed under a valid Postal Code Targeting Agreement number
What is unacceptable as Postal Code Targeting?
Any item that does not meet the Postal Code Targeting requirements or any item considered non-mailable. For information on non-mailable items, please refer to the Non-mailable Matter section of the Canada Postal Guide.